Monday, September 23, 2013

Nights are diff now

Now my nights are so different.
I do feel the loneliness at night before i close my eyes. 
I've been keeping myself busy for these past few days. 
During my spare time i actually learnt how to cook. I know faiq gonna love the fact that i actually learning how to cook.hahahaha
Ida dah tau nak masak my mom's secret recipe of cucur udang die ;) 
Anyways my night are still lonely. 
No more talking on the phone before i close my eyes.
No more hearing "i love you ida"
No more manja manja
No more laughing 
No more telling him how my day went. Bad or good.. :) 
Its so different...
Before i was with him at night i would watch my TV that was in my room cerita cartoon penguin over and over again till i fall asleep to fill my emptiness at night hahah
Now tv pun dah hilang.
So sekarang at night i would just stare at my ceiling and think of what had happened in my life , what i had done wrong , what i had learnt in my life , asking myself if there is such a thing called "true love" banyakk ida fikir till im too tired to think n my eyes close itself and everytime i close my eyes ... My heart wishes him goodnight ...everynight. Silently. 

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