Sunday, September 29, 2013

Singing alone in bed

When ever im alone i like to sing this song to myself. Especially when im on bed waiting for my eyes to sleep. Some times tears would run down on my face unexpectedly and i smiled. 

You - Jannah Alia 

You were there to light my day,
You were there to guide me through 
From my days down and on
I'll never stop thinking of you

How can i forget all that
When you're the one who make me smile 
You'll always be part of me 
How i wish you were still mine 

Never will forget the day 
How we've met and came this far 
We all know we got this feeling
But somehow it has to end up here

I know it's me who said goodbye 
That's the hardest thing to do
Cause you ment so much to me
And guide the truth from me to you 

For all the things i've done and said
For all the hurt that i've cause you
I hope you'll forgive me debok 
Cause that wasn't what i meant to do.....

To honest i've tried so hard to move on.  
Try to find another guy. But i got played in stead and lied instead. Its like Allah is telling me to stay and keep loving you silently. The silent part hurts me. May Allah give me strength.if he really is for me may Allah show us the path back together. If not may Allah show us our own path away from each other. Im leaving it all to Allah.
And only Allah knows how much i love him no matter where we are or what we are

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