Saturday, September 7, 2013

One of my fav moment

Terlelap sebelah ida atas ed
I watched him sleeping and gently pegang tangan die
Tapi die sedar terjaga plakkk alooo haha baru nak gomoii tangan die senyap senyap

Him reading newspaper like a grandpa next to me
Time tu mata memang tak boleh bukak still ngantok
But i was forcing my eyes not to shut because he looked so cute reading newspaper at that time.

He kisses my forehead.
He was suppose to pick his lill sister Aisha from school
I was asleep he woke me up gently n kiss my forehead slowly.

Me having a tummy ache
I brought me down stair to eat someone
I went down a get this pink kuih for RM2 but he had only RM 50
This nice guy behind us paid for us

Me tummy ache in the room
He gave me one looked when i was in pain
He came near and hugged me

He called his friend amir to buy some bubur kat mcd for me
Die suapp idaaa .... *melting

We watched orphan i was hiding behind and hugging him the through the movie.

Please don't forget

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