Monday, August 26, 2013

Debokk im scareddd :'(

Debokk tak kan percaya ape jadi kat ida semalam... Last night i was sleeping at 12 tau... Then suddenly ida rase kene henpap and ida bace ape yang ustz tu suruh then she started to cakar me... Tajammm sayang :'( i was crying and i knew no one could hear me :'( then i managed to wake up yes i was crying and terrified. 

Then ida tgk jam pukul 3 lebihhh ida tak tau buat ape smlm i just sit at the corner of my room just crying cz im scared... I wish i can call faiqq :'( but i can't... 

Pastu tibe tibe je papa kejut i bagun sekolah i tidur kat lantai ... Then i pegi bukak baju nak mandi.. I bukak shower i jerit gile gile badan i pedihh gile.
Then i noticed ade calar calar kat badan ida

Yang ni kat tangan ida ade banyak lagi kat belakang ida syg :'( i was so damn scared semalam.. I counldn't think of anything... Badan ida pedih sngt syg. Kat kepale pun pedihhh :'( i need youu debokkkk :'( so baddd :'( ngan exam lg why is this happening to me :'( 

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