Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Did u know ?

Did you know how hard it is to make you say you love me again ? 

Did you know when the first time after the 3 year you said you love me i was on my way to school and i was so excited i didn't want to go to school. 

Did you know all these years i've been trying to get near you but you kept pushing me away with the lamest excuse that i still remember till now "i nak mandi kan adik i" :')

Did you know after we talked on skype and you were really upset because you're mom doesn't have the money to buy your music stuff and she asked you to sell your macbook instead and i was actually saving money up to 1k to help you.

Did you know i walked all the way from KLCC to pavi to buy you're birthday present and i was trying to call all your friends because i wanted to get the perfect present for you.

Did you know after you asked me to be your girlfriend on skype i couldn't sleep thinking about you

Did you know every time i want to see you i would get all nervous and anxious

Did you know how much i love u ?

Why can't you love me as much as i love you :')

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