Sunday, August 25, 2013

Take care of him

Hi its Ida. If you really do exist. Please take care of faiq. 

Manje kan die :') time die sakit okay.
Be there for him. Jangan larang die smoke :') 

Die ade gastric terus sampai bongkok. Make sure die makan ubat :') call him..  Kalau ade sebelah die lagi bagus, faiq ni orang die manja time sakit :') 

Dont worry kalau you sakit die akan kaga you jugak :') die caring , loving , protective.

Pleasee jaga faiq elok elok jaga hati die.
Faiq suke perempuan pandai masak :') hopefully u know how to cook. Asam pedas and lemang are his fav kalau pandai masak chocolate cup cakes lagii extra die syg! And kalau you lepak mamak ngan die make sure order kan die limau ice :') 
He likes having long hair. Biar je die nak rambut panjang :) die susah ade rambut. Panjang sbb kecik kecik die kene leukemia. Give him that feeling 
And kalau korang gaduh ckp buat mcm ida buat tweet je kesiann die maluu. 
U should just terus terang ngan die
And one last thing DONT ever think negative on him or what ever he does. 
You have him. Please take care of him. I can surely tell you if you takes care of him you'll be the luckiest girl in this world. I can only be the luckiest girl in his life for a while. But youu.... U're so lucky 
I failed to take care of his heart. 

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