Sunday, August 18, 2013

When i sleep ..

When i sleep it like a flashback when j was with him. Ya Allah why this kind of dugaan ? 

All i see when i sleep is when were at KLCC and sat on the bench infront if ISETAN bersila lagi just talking

All i see and feel when i sleep is his lips pressing on my forehead at the hospital

All i see is my hand holding his hand at the hospital 

All i see is myself smiling alone when i saw he's sleeping next to me on top of ed. 

All i see is me and him running into KLCC because it was raining outside. 

All i see is him holding my hand for the first time at wangsa walk after watching movie with Ira and Bosir  

All i see is me hiding being his back watching the orphan movie in the hospital

All i see is me sitting infront of startbuck and die urut bahu ida lenguh. 

All i see is us for the first time just us two at kendai cendol waiting for ira and Al

All i see is him smiling and shouting when he found out i lied to him on his birthday last year :')

All i see is him hugging me at topshop when ira is buying her bra and I accidentally cried  about puteh :') 

All i see is him being next to me when i was sick in hospital. 

All i see is him... That's why i don't sleep now days

I wonder does he miss all that ?
I wonder does he feel what I'm feeling ?
I wonder if he still loves me .. 

3 words. Let me answer it for you

Not At All :') 

Tell u one thing i miss him so much by myside

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